Separation Anxiety in children

Being the roots of security. Seeking the branches of independence.

Your child loves you dearly, they want to be near you and with you at all times. Maybe for you this feels endearing and loving. Maybe it feels overwhelming. Maybe you wish your child gains more independence and confidence. And MAYBE you need some space, and that, is okay.

Let’s break it down; children need secure attachment to a home base, in order to branch out confidently. Let’s think about the tree; in order to have strong branches, a tree needs strong roots. Children need to feel stabilized internally and systemically in order to branch out and blossom. So, how do we facilitate that?

Name it. Explain what separations will look like: whether your child is going to a one-hour play date, or you’re going out of town for a week. An explanation can be as simple as providing some very basic details about what you will each will be doing and what you will do to say goodbye and reunite again.


Transitional Tactics for kids


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