Exercises To Calm Your Anxious Thoughts
In today’s society, we can get wrapped up in the facts and the logic. Our thoughts are often the words to our experience. However, sometimes it’s helpful to step back and notice. When your anxious thoughts consume you, be curious about where the anxiety resides in your body. Do certain muscle groups or areas of your body feel tight and constricted? Perhaps your heart races, your chest tightens, your shoulders ache, your mind flutters. Notice these experiences and honor them. They are the body’s wise way of alerting us.
Now that you’ve recognized where your anxiety is showing up in the moment, acknowledge it. Being mindful includes recognizing your inner sensations and experiences, as well as being aware of your external world.
5 things you can see
4 things you can feel
3 things you can hear
2 things you can smell
1 thing you can taste
When you’re anxious and you’re searching for calm, it can be like hoping the waves stop crashing into the shore. Sometimes the waves need to move and crash, but we can move with them. Notice the moments or places in your body that are less anxious, maybe it’s your feet on the ground or a deep breath. Maybe as you focus on a calming object (a flickering candle, an animal, a memorialized picture), you find momentary relief.